Join the fight to protect New Mexicans from unfair drug prices.

Consumer and health advocates call for fast passage of Prescription Drug Affordability Act

ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Citing data that big drug companies have taken advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to raise prices on hundreds of medications, AARP New Mexico, Health Action New Mexico and a statewide coalition of health experts, patient advocates and consumers today lauded the introduction of the Prescription Drug Affordability Act (House Bill 154) and called on legislators to act quickly to ensure all New Mexicans have access to affordable drugs.

January 27, 2021

CONTACT: Barbara Webber, Executive Director, Health Action New Mexico
505-508-6531 (cell)

ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Citing data that big drug companies have taken advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to raise prices on hundreds of medications, AARP New Mexico, Health Action New Mexico and a statewide coalition of health experts, patient advocates and consumers today lauded the introduction of the Prescription Drug Affordability Act (House Bill 154) and called on legislators to act quickly to ensure all New Mexicans have access to affordable drugs.

“New Mexicans continue to struggle to afford the medications they need,” said Barbara Webber, Executive Director of Health Action New Mexico. “The Prescription Drug Affordability Act will hold drug companies accountable and set reasonable rates for consumers to pay. I want to thank Representative Angelica Rubio for her leadership bringing this important bill forward.”

A Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) would regulate prescription drugs with costs that greatly impact New Mexicans, including high-cost, brand name medications. High costs can prevent patients from accessing the prescription drugs they need, cause significant affordability issues for the state and threaten public health.

The Board would consider a broad range of economic factors when setting appropriate payment rates for reviewed drugs, allowing pharmaceutical manufacturers the opportunity to justify existing drug costs. Once a fair payment rate is determined, the Board sets an upper payment limit that applies to all purchasers and payor reimbursements in New Mexico, ensuring that lower costs benefit consumers. Staffing the Board would be funded by a fee on pharmaceutical manufacturers.

“Enough is enough,” said Joseph P. Sanchez, AARP New Mexico State Director. “Even before COVID-19, Americans were paying the highest drug prices in the world. New Mexico needs an independent body that can evaluate drug costs and set reasonable rates for consumers to pay. With the establishment of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, New Mexicans will have an advocate to ensure they are not being taken advantage of by drug companies.”

According to the data firm, Analysource, pharmaceutical companies have taken advantage of the pandemic to raise prices on 645 brands almost six percent in the first eight months of 2020.

  • On average, Americans pay four times as much for the same medicines as people in other countries.
  • The Journal of the American Medical Association reports 35 big drug companies raked in $8.6 billion in profits between 2000 and 2018.
  • Nine of the top ten companies spend more money on marketing and advertising than they do on researching new drugs.
  • Nearly half of New Mexicans have skipped taking medication or not filled a prescription because of cost concerns.

Advocates have launched a website,, with information about drug pricing and state policy options to reduce drug costs.

“Prescription drug companies are the only businesses in the health care industry whose rates are not regulated. It’s time to hold them to the same standard as all other health care providers. Creating a Prescription Drug Affordability Board is a commonsense solution to hold big drug companies accountable and drive down the cost of prescription drugs,” Webber said.

Drug price hikes without new evidence upped spending by $1.2B, ICER says

In its report released last Tuesday, a nonprofit drug pricing research group claims that seven drugs have prices that do not align with any newly discovered increase in clinical benefit, leading to over $1.2 billion in excess drug spending in 2019, alone.

By Khadijah M. Silver

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) published its second-ever report on Unsupported Price Increases (UPI) last week, compiled from data supplied by SSR Health, which is part of the investment research firm SSR. 

While the medical pricing watchdog found that overall spending was down from the previous year, the report highlighted 10 drugs whose prices increased. Further, it found that seven of these had price hikes that did not correspond with any newly discovered clinical benefit. ICER estimates that patients, insurers and pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs) were overcharged $1.2 billion in 2019, alone.

“These are not cherry-picked niche drugs, or some sort of outlier situation,” ICER spokesman David Whitrap said in a phone interview. “These are the costliest price increases for our country and of those ten, seven of them have no evidence for support.”

Not surprisingly, pharmaceutical companies named in the report negatively were none too pleased.

ICER published its first UPI report in October 2019, identifying a different list of seven drugs and saying their unsupported price increases cost Americans an additional $4.8 billion across the two years covered in the report, 2017 and 2018.

Given increased state-level and congressional scrutiny as well as a number of value-based contracts between states and pharmaceutical companies, drug prices have flattened, overall. But ICER does not see that as a reason to stop using clinically driven value-based analysis to determine appropriate drug costs.

“This was never intended to be some sort of broadside against the industry,” Whitrap said. “We should applaud industry as a whole for moderating their price increases over the past two years — but at the same time, just because companies A, B and C have made their industry look better as a whole, I don’t think that’s a reason we should let company D off the hook.” 

Combining Economic and Clinical Research
While the first report covered the price and cost increases over that two-year period, 2020’s report solely includes 2019 price data. According to ICER, two of the drugs had clinically unsupported price increases high enough to render their inclusion in both reports: AbbVie’s Humira (adalimumab) and Biogen’s Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate).

To compile the 132-page report, ICER first secured a list of 2019’s top 100 drugs by U.S. sales from SSR Health, part of boutique investment research firm SSR LLC. ICER excluded 67 drugs whose increase in wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) was not larger than twice the increase in the medical consumer price index (CPI) and, for the remaining 33, performed analyses to determine the increase in spending that was due to increases in net price as opposed to volume.

From that, the report assessed the 10 drugs with the highest price increases to determine if there was some new clinical finding that might justify charging more. Notably, the organization did not attempt to establish through formal cost-benefit analysis whether the price increases were justified by meeting a health-benefit price benchmark, only that new evidence existed that could justify an increase.

ICER reviewed randomized clinical trials (RCTs), high-quality comparative observational studies and large uncontrolled studies for infrequent harms. It analyzed high- and moderate-quality evidence of a substantial increase in net clinical benefit “compared with what was previously believed.” Those drugs that had evidence meeting this standard were reported as having price increases “with new clinical evidence.”

The seven drugs that were found to have unsubstantiated price hikes were:

  • Amgen’s Enbrel (etanercept),
  • J&J Janssen’s Invega Sustenna and Trinza (paliperidone palmitate)
  • Bausch Health’s Xifaxan (rifaximin),
  • Bristol Myers Squibb’s Orencia (abatacept)
  • Biogen’s Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate)
  • AbbVie’s Humira (adalimumab) and
  • UCB’s Vimpat (lacosamide).

Despite not having been included in the initial group, Enbrel shot up to the No. 1 position on the list after public input calling for its inclusion. This was because it had the greatest increase in impact on national drug spending — $403 million. 

The three drugs for which new evidence of clinical impact aligned with price increases were Novartis’ Entresto (sacubitril and valsartan), Takeda’s Entyvio (vedolizumab) and Astellas Pharma’s Xtandi (enzalutamide).

Source: ICER

ICER contacted manufacturers of the identified top 10 drugs for early feedback on its figures for change in net price, sales volume, and overall net revenue. Given feedback from Novartis saying its drug Cosentyx had not achieved an increase in net sales, it was removed from the top 10 and Astellas’ Xtandi moved from 11th to 10th place.

Drugmakers Dispute Report’s Findings
Four of the seven companies accused of unsubstantiated price increases responded to requests for comment.

The feedback was unanimously negative.

Concerns ranged from ICER’s use of just two years for inclusion of medical evidence to support price increases, to a failure to place net price increases in the context of a rebate-based pharmaceutical industry.

“We believe ICER’s 2020 Unsupported Price Increases report is biased, selective and unreliable,” said Lainie Kelle, a Bausch Health spokeswoman, in an email. “ICER refused to consider relevant clinical, real-world and health economic evidence that supports the value of XIFAXAN as an important treatment option for several conditions.”

Bausch Health called ICER’s timeframe for inclusion of evidence “arbitrary” and “narrow,” saying it “ignores the reality of how long it takes to generate and publish pharmaceutical research.” ICER’s report relies on studies published between Jan. 1, 2018, and Dec. 31, 2019, claiming that is a sufficient look backward to call evidence “new.”

Another pharma company also rebutted ICER’s conclusion about its drug.  

“In reviewing ICER’s final UPI assessment, we firmly believe that VIMPAT’s body of clinical evidence strengthens its value to patients experiencing uncontrolled seizure disorders and supports its net price,” said Allyson Funk, a UCB spokeswoman, in an email. Funk declared that UCB continually evaluates its medications’ prices to ensure they reflect the value they deliver to patients, society, and the healthcare system, and said the company will continue to study VIMPAT’s impact on managing disease.

Janssen echoed concerns about a “narrow” and time-limited literature review, saying it lacked “real-world” evidence and focused too tightly on net cost, failing to weigh factors such as patient cost and outcomes. 

In an email, Janssen representative Katie Upton named ISPOR, the Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research, and ISPE, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, as two research organizations that support the company’s assessment, deeming real-world evidence “critical in the accurate assessment of the value of medicines.” Upton said Janssen supports value assessment that is “patient-centric, holistic, and represents the needs of all stakeholders.”

Amgen, accused of the biggest unsupported price hikes, said that ICER did not properly analyze its data and that fault for its price hikes lies with the nature of the highly competitive drug marketplace. 

“When applying ICER’s published methodology and criteria, we believe Enbrel is not qualified as having an unsupported price increase (UPI),” said Kelley Davenport, an Amgen spokeswoman, in an email. “While the ICER report acknowledged the context and the quality of the SEAM-PsA trial, their conclusion that methotrexate and etanercept have similar efficacy is inconsistent with the trial results which demonstrated superior efficacy of etanercept compared to methotrexate for the primary and key secondary endpoint in well-established psoriatic arthritis outcome measures.”

Davenport added that Amgen has raised list prices over the years in reaction to competitors’ price hikes, while offering lower net prices and higher and higher rebates to PBMs to remain covered by health plans and ensure patient access to the drug.

“If we had not done so, we believe the PBMs would have simply removed Enbrel from their formularies in favor of a competitor who provided a higher rebate to the PBM,” Davenport said. “Since Enbrel and its competitor products do not provide the same response in all patients, they are not simply interchangeable — if taken off formulary, many Enbrel patients would not have access to the medicine that they and their doctor had determined worked best for them.”

Amgen is not the only one taking note of the continual one-upmanship occurring among pharma competitors — and placing a fair share of blame on PBMs.

In a withering report issued January 14 investigating rising insulin costs, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), co-chairs of the Senate Finance Committee, found that business practices and relationships among drugmakers and PBMs have driven “skyrocketing prices.”

“This industry is anything but a free market when PBMs spur drugmakers to hike list prices in order to secure prime formulary placement and greater rebates and fees,” Grassley said in a statement.

However, Grassley and Wyden’s report would hardly consider Amgen a victim in this story. 

Announcing the report, Wyden argued that “consumers are the only ones losing out in America’s broken drug pricing system, since every part of the pharmaceutical supply chain benefits from higher list prices.”

Interrogating Insulin
After a push from state regulators, ICER included insulin in its financial analysis, based on the “financial toxicity” of high list prices for uninsured patients, those with high-deductible plans, Medicare beneficiaries, and those who turn 26 and must transition from their parents’ insurance. 

Indeed, though it did not interrogate insulin studies to assess whether price increases were clinically supported, ICER found that while net insulin prices overall went down, four of the 10 drugs analyzed showed wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) increase substantially higher than medical inflation overall. One drug increased with medical inflation, and four remained flat at a rate that ICER had previously deemed high. Along with the Senate Finance Committee, diabetes patient advocates are deeply concerned by this trend.

“Inventors Frederick Banting and Charles Best sold the insulin patent for a mere $1 in the 1920’s because they wanted their discovery to save lives and for insulin to be affordable and accessible to everyone who needed it,” Carol Wysham, M.D., president-elect, Endocrine Society, wrote in a position statement published January 13 in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, pushing for government action to control skyrocketing costs. “People with diabetes without full insurance are often paying increasing out-of-pocket costs for insulin resulting in many rationing their medication or skipping lifesaving doses altogether.”

Balancing Innovation and Access
ICER hopes reports such as this one will keep costs down on drugs that provide limited clinical benefit without stifling the development of pioneering new drugs. It previously championed the most expensive drug in America, Zolgensma, as priced to value, saying its $2.1 million price tag is reasonable given that it completely cures an otherwise fatal childhood disease.

“But the only way we’re going to be able to afford the Zolgensmas of the country is if we stop overpaying for drugs that do far too little for patients,” Whitrap of ICER said. “We feel there is a way to do both, here: to keep the incentives alive for innovation and new research on drugs already on the market while also stopping costly increases for drugs where there is no evidence of a new benefit.”

Time to make drugs more affordable

I was disheartened and angered to learn that nearly half of New Mexicans have skipped taking medication or not filled a prescription because of cost concerns, according to a recent statewide survey. That is unacceptable. Medications don’t work if people can’t afford them. That’s why I am introducing legislation to create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board.

By Rep. Angelica Rubio (D-Las Cruces)
Wednesday, January 13th, 2021

I was disheartened and angered to learn that nearly half of New Mexicans have skipped taking medication or not filled a prescription because of cost concerns, according to a recent statewide survey. That is unacceptable.

Medications don’t work if people can’t afford them.

That’s why I am introducing legislation to create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Until now, big drug companies have been the only businesses in the health care industry whose rates are not regulated. The Legislature can and must act to hold them accountable.

The survey, conducted by GBAO Strategies, found that 44% of New Mexicans skipped medication and nine in 10 are either very or somewhat concerned about the cost of prescription drugs. Those concerns are justified. A study released last month by the nonpartisan policy research group West Health Policy Center found “more than 1.1 million Medicare patients could die over the next decade because they cannot afford to pay for their prescription medications.”

Numerous studies have also shown how the big drug companies have taken advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to raise prices on a wide range of medications needed to treat everything from respiratory disease to heartburn.

It is time for the state Legislature to step up and ensure all New Mexicans have access to affordable medications. A Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) would serve as an independent body with the authority to evaluate high cost drugs and set reasonable rates for consumers to pay.

The state regulates the cost of health insurance, electricity and other critical utilities and it ought to look out for consumers of prescription medications as well.

Maryland and Maine established PDABs in 2019, and in 2020, 13 states introduced legislation. The intent is to set the maximum amount purchasers and health insurers pay for the costliest drugs, which reduces costs and increases access for consumers and payors.

An affordability board can review information from public sources and establish an upper payment limit that allows an affordable way for everyone in the state who should get the drug access to it.

By setting an upper payment limit, PDABs regulate in-state costs for particular drugs among state-licensed health care providers. This is a common practice in the health care industry, where the upper payment limit caps what insurers can reimburse or what can be billed to a given purchaser.

The PDAB would consider a broad range of economic factors when setting appropriate payment rates for reviewed drugs, allowing pharmaceutical manufacturers the opportunity to justify existing drug costs. Staffing the board would be funded by a fee on pharmaceutical manufacturers.

The emperor has no clothes when it comes to the high prices charged by drug companies. Their profits and CEO salaries have skyrocketed over the past two decades as consumers have been forced to pay more. Americans pay four times as much for the same medicines as people in other countries.

New Mexico can fight back and protect our most vulnerable. This session we should create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board.

Exclusive: Drugmakers to hike prices for 2021 as pandemic, political pressure put revenues at risk

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Drugmakers including Pfizer Inc, Sanofi SA, and GlaxoSmithKline Plc plan to raise U.S. prices on more than 300 drugs in the United States on Jan. 1, according to drugmakers and data analyzed by healthcare research firm 3 Axis Advisors.

The hikes come as drugmakers are reeling from effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has reduced doctor visits and demand for some drugs. They are also fighting new drug price cutting rules from the Trump administration, which would reduce the industry’s profitability.

The companies kept their price increases at 10% or below, and the largest drug companies to raise prices so far, Pfizer and Sanofi, kept nearly all of their increases 5% or less, 3 Axis said. 3 Axis is a consulting firm that works with pharmacists groups, health plans and foundation on drug pricing and supply chain issues.

GSK did raise prices on two vaccines – shingles vaccine Shingrix and diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine Pediarix – by 7% and 8.6%, respectively, 3 Axis said.

Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc hiked prices on 15 drugs, including Austedo, which treats rare neurological disorders, and asthma steroid Qvar, which together grossed more than $650 million in sales in 2019 and saw price hikes of between 5% and 6%. Teva hiked prices for some drugs, including muscle relaxant Amrix and narcolepsy treatment Nuvigil, as much as 9.4%.

More price hikes are expected to be announced on Friday and in early January.

In 2020, drugmakers raised prices on more than 860 drugs by around 5 percent, on average, according to 3 Axis. Drug price increases have slowed substantially since 2015, both in terms of the size of the hikes and the number of drugs affected.

The increases come as pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer are playing hero by developing vaccines for COVID-19 in record time. The hikes could help make up for lost revenue as doctors visits and new prescriptions plummeted during the global lockdown.

Pfizer plans to raise prices on more than 60 drugs by between 0.5 % and 5%. Those include roughly 5% increases on some of its top sellers like rheumatoid arthritis treatment Xeljanz and cancer drugs Ibrance and Inlyta.Slideshow ( 2 images )

Pfizer said it had adjusted the list prices of its drugs by around 1.3% across all products in its portfolio, in line with inflation.

“This modest increase is necessary to support investments that allow us to continue to discover new medicines and deliver those breakthroughs to the patients who need them,” spokeswoman Amy Rose said in a statement, pointing in particular to the COVID-19 vaccine the company developed with Germany’s BioNTech SE.

It said that its net prices, which back out rebates to pharmacy benefit managers and other discounts, have actually fallen for the last 3 years.

France’s Sanofi plans to increase prices on a number of vaccines 5 percent or less and will announce more price increases later in January, spokesperson Ashleigh Koss said.

None of the company’s price increases will be above the expected growth rate of U.S. health spending of 5.1 percent, she said.

Slashing U.S. prescription drug prices – which are among the highest in the world – was a focus of U.S. President Donald Trump, after making it a core pledge of his 2016 campaign. He issued several executive orders in late 2020 meant to cut prices, but their impact could be limited by legal challenges and other problems.

A federal judge earlier this month blocked a last-minute Trump administration rule aimed at lowering drug prices that was set to be implemented at the beginning of the year. It was challenged by drug industry groups including PhRMA, the nation’s leading pharmaceutical trade group.

President-elect Biden has also vowed to reduce drug costs and to allow Medicare, a U.S. government health insurance program, to negotiate drug prices. He has support from Congressional Democrats to pass such legislation, which the Congressional Budget Office has said could cost the industry more than $300 billion by 2029.

Reporting by Michael Erman, Editing by Nick Zieminski

AHF Thanks HHS for Clarifying Rules on 340B Drug Pricing; Blasts Pharma’s Greed

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) welcomed and praised an advisory opinion issued earlier today by the Office of the General Counsel for the United States Health and Human Services Department (HHS) which concluded that drug manufacturers are required to deliver discounts under the 340B Drug Pricing Program on covered outpatient drugs when contract pharmacies are acting as agents of 340B covered entities. (HHS press release)

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) welcomed and praised an advisory opinion issued earlier today by the Office of the General Counsel for the United States Health and Human Services Department (HHS) which concluded that drug manufacturers are required to deliver discounts under the 340B Drug Pricing Program on covered outpatient drugs when contract pharmacies are acting as agents of 340B covered entities. (HHS press release)

The opinion came on the heels of widespread public pressure on HHS by safety net providers after nine rogue drug companies including Amgen, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis and Sanofi-Aventis, among others, announced they planned to refuse to continue to provide certain drugs at the legally required ˜340B price as required by section 340B of the U.S. Public Health Services Act.

In addition, 28 U.S. state attorneys general recently drew a line in the sand trying to protect this essential part of the healthcare safety net against the seemingly limitless greed of the drug industry. In a December 14 letter, the bipartisan group of elected attorneys general demanded that U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar take immediate steps to enforce the law to address drug companies unlawful refusal to provide critical drug discounts to covered entities such as community health centers under the 340B Drug Pricing Program.

On December 7, 2020, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) also spoke to reporters at a federal qualified health center in East Hartford, Conn., about drug manufacturers recent denials of 340B pricing on drugs shipped to contract pharmacies.

What the pharmaceutical drug companies are doing here is absolutely unconscionable and unacceptable, Blumenthal said. They are required by law to provide discounted drugs not out of the goodness of their heart, but because they participate in the Medicaid program that yields them tons of profit. They are making money from the Medicaid program, and one of the conditions for those profits is that they provide discounted drugs to federally qualified health care centers, to clinics, and hospitals, and others that serve the most vulnerable people in our society.

We thank HHS for really listening to safety net providers, the attorneys general and others in recognizingand checkingthe unbridled greed of the pharmaceutical industry. We also thank HHS for recognizing the crucial need the 340B programand the many contract pharmacies that provide services to 340B covered entitiesfulfills, particularly in more rural areas of the country, said Michael Weinstein, president of AHF. The 340B program represents at most just six percent of the industrys billions and billions in annual revenue, yet they are still not satisfied. Instead, they chose to break their contractual obligations underlining their participation in 340B and have now been taken to task by HHS. Thank you, HHS, for this important and very definitive opinion.

340B is a lifeline that allows nonprofit safety net providers, such as rural hospitals and HIV/AIDS clinics receiving funding through federal programs, to obtain prescription drugs at below-retail prices. It was established with bipartisan support as part of the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992. With 340B savings, Ryan White HIV clinics and other covered entities are able to stretch their grant funds, offer a wider range of services, and improve the quality of care for under-insured vulnerable populations, such as people living with HIV.

In todays advisory opinion, Robert P. Charrow, general counsel for HHS, wrote, ¦we conclude that to the extent contract pharmacies are acting as agents of a covered entity, a drug manufacturer in the 340B Program is obligated to deliver its covered outpatient drugs to those contract pharmacies and to charge the covered entity no more than the 340B ceiling price for those drugs.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, currently provides medical care and/or services to over 1.5 million individuals in 45 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia/Pacific Region and Eastern Europe. To learn more about AHF, please visit our website:, find us on Facebook: and follow us @aidshealthcare.

Ged Kenslea,Senior Director, Communications, AHF +1.323.791.5526 [cell] +1.323.308.1833 [work]

John Hassell,National Director of Advocacy, AHF +1.202.774.4854 [cell]

Legislature can make prescriptions more affordable

I was disheartened and angered to learn that nearly half of New Mexicans have skipped taking medication or not filled a prescription because of cost concerns, according to a recent statewide survey. That is unacceptable. Medications don’t work if people can’t afford them.

That’s why I am introducing legislation to create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Until now, big drug companies have been the only businesses in the health care industry whose rates are not regulated. The Legislature can and must act to hold them accountable.

The survey, conducted by GBAO Strategies, found that 44 percent of New Mexicans skipped medication and 9 in 10 are either very or somewhat concerned about the cost of prescription drugs. Those concerns are justified.

A study released recently by the nonpartisan policy research group, West Health Policy Center, found “more than 1.1 million Medicare patients could die over the next decade because they cannot afford to pay for their prescription medications.”

Numerous studies have also shown how the big drug companies have taken advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to raise prices on a wide range medications needed to treat everything from respiratory disease to heartburn.

It is time for the state Legislature to step up and ensure all New Mexicans have access to affordable medications. A Prescription Drug Affordability Board would serve as an independent body with the authority to evaluate high cost drugs and set reasonable rates for consumers.

The state regulates the cost of health insurance, electricity and other critical utilities and it ought to look out for consumers of prescription medications as well.

The intent is to set the maximum amount purchasers and health insurers pay for the costliest drugs, which reduces costs and increases access for consumers and payors. An affordability board can review information from public sources and establish an upper payment limit that allows an affordable way for everyone in the state who should get the drug access to it.

By setting an upper payment limit, PDABs regulate in-state costs for particular drugs among state-licensed health care providers. This is a common practice in the health care industry, where the upper payment limit caps what insurers can reimburse or what can be billed to a given purchaser.

The PDAB would consider a broad range of economic factors when setting appropriate payment rates for reviewed drugs, allowing pharmaceutical manufacturers the opportunity to justify existing drug costs. Staffing the Board would be funded by a fee on pharmaceutical manufacturers.

The emperor has no clothes when it comes to the high prices charged by drug companies. Their profits and CEO salaries have skyrocketed over the past two decades as consumer have been forced to pay more. Americans pay four times as much for the same medicines as people in other countries.

New Mexico can fight back and protect our most vulnerable. This session we should create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board and make drugs more affordable for New Mexicans.

Angelica Rubio is a Democratic state lawmaker representing House District 35 in Las Cruces.